Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Get your girl into esports: Hot pro gamers part 1!

My girlfriend has never been into esports...  A few days ago, I was watching a stream and EG.Snoopeh showed up on the screen and she suddenly got interested.  Needless to say, she was suddenly curious about what other sexiness pro gamers had to offer.  Being the great boyfriend I am, I decided to make this mashup for her.  Feel free to share and bring the women of your life into the wonderful world of esports!

In no particular order:

Snoopeh (League of Legends)

Ocelot (League of Legends)

HyrQbot (League of Legends)

TacoStorm (League of Legends)

Fatal1ty (Multiple FPS games)

Grubby (Starcraft and Warcraft)

Boxer (Starcraft)

Bisu (Starcraft)

Apollo (Starcraft)

Tasteless (Starcraft)

DeMuslim (Starcraft)

Naniwa (Starcraft)

HuK (Starcraft)

BeSt (Starcraft)

Fantasy (Starcraft)

...and I've pretty much only covered a small part of it... pretty much only 2 games after all and I'm sure I've missed a few!


  1. Huk and Naniwa? Seriously? Those two are ugly as fuck.

  2. hahahahaa +11111
    Huk and Naniwa? Seriously? Those two are ugly as fuck.

  3. As a woman, Thorzain >>> Naniwa all day.

  4. rawr ty I was already a snoopeh fan but i didn't know starcraft had hotties too <3
    Makes me want to play LoL again and continue making my Victorious Janna cosplay xD
